Tuesday, December 9, 2014

When Love For Animals Becomes a Pain In The Ass….

My friend wanted to save those nine odd puppies which the stray bitch residing in our building has recently given birth to. Seems rather illogical, but it’s the truth. He had placed them on the roof under a temp shelter, but due to water spilling out of the water tanks, these puppies are under the naked sky in cool December nights and all the night I keep hearing their rumbling as if they are pleading to be transferred to some warmer place. I don’t know whether it’s an act of mercy or something which is causing more trouble to those pups.  Whatever be the truth, there is no doubt that my friend’s intention was good.

But, then I think that stray animals are more a pain in the ass than some kind of benefit or blessing to the humankind. My neighbors feed that stray bitch, but it has made her lazier and slow. All the time, she keeps on sleeping on the stairs of my apartment building and whenever someone passes by she sniffs and crawls around the legs of the visitor asking for food. Sometimes she is so hungry and aggressive, that she will not allow you to take even a step further. She makes dangerous gestures and produces strange sounds from her throat. She shows her full jaw and jumps on the visitor. I face this as the first thing in the morning, right when I come back from my night shift.  It’s so frustrating. 

Sometimes, I want to report her to the MCD (Municipal Corporation of Delhi) people. But, then, on second thoughts, I think that it would be bad for those puppies, which are still dependent upon that bastard bitch as she breastfeeds them. I hate her and want her to be captured by the dog squad to allow us to live in peace. MCD consumer forum is full of such complaints about the stray dogs in Delhi, which frequently bite children and passersby. 

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